Projects and Resources - Kelle Clark

Projects and Resources


In this project, relative frequencies of ngrams (unigrams/bigrams/trigrams) are found in a training corpus. To fill in missing tokens (words) in the distribution, the language models are smoothed using linear and Laplacian methods. Given an input text, the model is used to predict the next word(s). This project uses an ipynb file making minimal use of nltk library.

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Blockchain Databases and Elliptic Curve Cryptography

A brief overview of Blockchains used in Distributed Ledger Technology

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ASP.NET web app with SQL database

This project demonstrates the Software Development Life Cycle, SDLC, as our team used Visual Studios 2019 to build a C# ASP.NET web application with a SQL database. I enjoyed taking the lead in creating the use case/activity/sequence/class diagrams using Papyrus for the UML within Eclipse Mars, and I learned a lot from my team about the framework and and database. While our team selected the Model-View-Controller Architecture to use for the PeerEd package, by using the ASP.NET project, the solution incorporates both the model and controller a service that could be used to search for and get user made educational videos for primary and secondary school. Our team envisioned the platform to be a educational version of YouTube.

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